>>5714180>>5714188Of course, a heathen lands breeds demons. You even saw devils walking in streets and people dealing with them openly.
>>5714203>>5714264>>5714276Sometimes Bohémond did the deed too, since he was younger, but objectively Brother Louis is your most well travelled knight.
>>5714520I tend to agree, but it never hurts to check.
>>5714573You regretted to not have your brave Brother Louis with you, he knew about many things and was literate. But now he was travelling to deliver your message to the Neutral Lord so you had to investigate by yourself. You ordered Ishaan.
-Bring me the youth, let us see what they have to say.
The youth in question turned out to be quite numerous, it was not a pair of young drunkards to be sure. There were four of them, all in their late teens at 16 to 18 years old probably. The first one, and the first who spoke and who was probably the "leader" of this small group. He was tall and strong, with blonde hair and a sturdy build probably made by hard labor in the not very fertile soil of Otherone, and wore a linen shirt. Yes, he was probably a farmer. The second one was a beauty to see, a slender red haired girl, who tried hard to remain dignified and was very pretty. Yes, you knew that Judas Iscariot had orange hair and that orange had all the bad characteristics of red (who could symbolise violence) and yellow (an impure white which symbolised treachery) and that you should always be careful with gingers. But your Ancel was a ginger and if he was a scoundrel he was a useful servant. And this ginger girl seemed fierce and beautiful. But even in the quite luxurious habits of Indian peasants with died clothes of many rare colours her pink and purple, the most costly colour, dress probably signified that she was the daughter of some rich plowman, or maybe his wife. You decided to enquire about it and told.
-Are you married, young beauty ?
She seemed to redden and told.
-N... No my lord I am only sixteen and...
-And still not married, a beautiful girl like you... Ah, the men here are not very active.
You looked at the blond lad and deduced immediately at his air that he was more than a bit interested in the prospect of her marriage. Probably these two were "playing" in the fields together when they saw the ghost. Well, once that was clear you looked at the rest. Another girl, heh... What was that ? She was slightly shorter and shubbier and dressed in orange, a bad omen, and had quite short brown hair but what was on her nose. Was it ? Spectacles ? Since when do peasants needed them ? Or had the money for them ? You asked her.
-What do you have on the nose ?
-I... It is my spectacles and I...
-Oldfossil could wear some some day but why would you need them ?
-I read a lot, my father insisted that I learn and...