>>5886619You learned all the basics of combat from Wedge. From how to hold a spear and shield, to how to block, dodge and parry. The fundamentals of your fighting style were built on the things you’d learned training under him at the castle. But you knew well enough that Wedge could be a terrifying man. While not quite on the level of scary as Rex, Wedge commanded great respect amongst his subordinates. Respect which you always suspected was built more on fear than love. Perhaps not the best way to go about commanding loyalty, but an effective way, nonetheless.
With everyone ready, the Blackwings and their rebel allies set out from their camp in the direction of Akzeriuth. From what you’re told by Howard along the way, Akzeriuth has greatly increased in size since the last time you were here. Thanks to the addition of this so-called “blasting powder”, the miners were able to discover and clear out additional tunnels where the “black ore” could be found. Production had almost tripled overnight, and further hands were needed. The scholar who’d come up with the blasting powder was named Erwin. A brilliant man, although supposedly one with very poor social skills. There was a good chance you’d have to use force to bring him over to your side.
After two days of marching, you find yourselves on a hill overlooking Akzeriuth. Howard was not exaggerating. The outside of the mine has seemingly doubled in size over the years. Rusalkan soldiers dot the camps, patrolling the area and performing their patrols dutifully. Several miners haul off large carts full of rocks and ore that you can only assume is Agarthium. You can plainly see that the men down below look haggard and worn out. Across the way, you can see a makeshift prison. Those inside appear to be in an even worse state. Several are emaciated, while others are left to lie on the ground, unable able to move. At the top of the highest point in the camp flies a flag. A black dragon inside a red moon.
>“Where have I seen that insignia before?”“The Order of the Blood Knights.” Corrine says dryly. “Guess they found employment after all. I don’t suppose you think they’re worth talking to? They are mercenaries after all. Perhaps you can find reason with Balbatos.”
You get the feeling even Corrine doesn’t believe that. You recall that man being quite the eccentric character, to put it nicely. There wasn’t a mercenary alive, not even you, that wasn’t willing to break a contract when needed. But failing to get the man to stand down would certainly lose you the element of surprise were things to come to blows.
>A): Parley with Balbatos.>B): What’s occurring down there is barbaric. We’ll attack and waste no more time.