>>5948156“You don’t mean?”
“Daycares, orphanages, adoption. They infiltrate small businesses for “volunteer” work, gain business trust then slowly push or recommend workers to switch careers and when you're an Ord you take the out. From then on their real work begins as they take the chaff and slowly convince them to join using small things at first giving them pink clothing and flowers, dolls and costumes, emotional readings and history. Gaslight, lie, omit, and peer pressure to get kids to accept their cult over the course of years as they restructure their entire worldview to become a fully zealot Prisma.”
“Oh my god how is the school not full of them?”
“It takes a long time to groom for a full zealot and having to fund those operations requires money so while they don’t have an extensive network they are gaining a steady supply of recruits and hope to get more seats in government positions for special tax status, funding, or diversity hire policies.”
“I thought they were just idiots but they are organized? Then why bother with recruiting students?”
“Willing recruits are much easier and faster to convert especially as their numbers are limited and they focus their attention on the new converts as every new student helps find a new grooming target. When one is offered their card they get marked for assimilation that is only avoided if the Ords change zip codes. I have seen a few girls and guys try to resist but being too afraid to say no are converted and when they come back after indoctrination they feel like a part of themselves is missing.”
“H-hwo nhw how long does it tttkae?” William asks as fear bubbles up in his chest.
“Either between one week to several months.”
“Wait that long?”
“They need willing recruits as for some reason those have the biggest power spikes. I do not know the specifics but if Prisma uses Charm Person spell to take someone they end up being a tier 1 or tier 2 mage and having a crippled mana potential. If they convince the person after months of trying they turn into a tier 4 or even tier 5 mage after coming back to school. Why did you ask that?”
“I got offered Holly’s card and took it.”
“Oh fuck, oh shit. She-what did you say to her?” Asks a panicking Betty.
“Nothing! Just that we said we were porn addicts.”
“Oh no she probably assumed you wanted to join but didn’t want to taint their sorority. I am trying to think ah, okay so Prisma will follow their usual protocol for willing recruits giving them more leeway in their interactions to lure you in with a friendly face. This week they will let you simmer on the option and if they are not approached will send in wellness checks.”
“What are the options?” Ask William with a tinge of desperation.
“FUckfuckfuck, option one pretend you have a porn addiction long enough and hope they become disgusted with you and leave you crippled on the floor.”
“Not a good option.”
part 2