>>5386287Great! Then it's at just paste it with EFTVFITLAE after the forward slash. /qst/ won't let me post the actual link since it thinks that's spam, of course. Including the subtitle of "The 'Actually Definitely Final 100% This I Swear' Edition: Just Trust Me Bro" would have been too many letters, so I declined to include it. Seriously, there are only a few choices that actually matter (i.e. not choices like "do I commit certain suicide or take a free passage out of here" or "hey NPC, I would like to know more about..." sorts of things) and if I could access /qst/ at 2021 pace like w/ SBC, it could be over in a week. Or two more weeks? Ah, same idea. Seriously, I should have been able to burn through it in one thread if it weren't for certain events that happened around Q1 this year that ought remain unspecified.
Also, actual next update already done, it's in the link. I didn't just sit on my ass drinking over the past month(ish~), but actually did some writing! If you average 5k~ words over 50~ days it's still pitiful, but hey, it's something! I'll post it myself w/ images and such after OP, of course
AAAA, I seriously hope that once it's done I can return to SBC in peace like the good ol' days. You guys were nearing some cool stuff like w/ the convoluted proxy game the faction's in (that you can make serious gains off of if played right) or w/ the El.Un. if you're feeling gutsy. And the expanses of Arizona were just starting to be scouted... ah, but the world revolves yet still. God, thank you for at least giving us booze! Booze is so important that the first thing the one chosen to survive the total reset of the world, total apocalypse shit, did was to start a vineyard and get shitfaced drunk, and this I respect with my purchasing decisions...Oh, and if that "Father" refers to him becoming a priest... well, shit, you don't need 200IQ to figure out that it's a very possible ending. But, that makes you think, who could make him a priest? You can't just declare yourself a Catholic priest, but need someone to make you one... hmmmm So many AI generated pics of Walter White! What is going on?!