>>5247949<span class="mu-b">Knowledge(local):</span>
>>5246975 The Scribes of Thyp, also called the “Book Gnomes”, are the people who are responsibility for gathering the knowledge of the Library. While humanoid in appearance, they are also quite different from regular humans. Their powers are quite impressive, and include the ability to add or remove knowledge from the mind of living creatures. They are also quite adept at sneaking around, and can, with the help of powerful illusions, disguise as most other humanoid creatures.
>>5247106The supreme leader of the African American Coalation, [Redacted], spends an entire year researching the power of the Staff of Gaia. While he finds himself able to cure disease and perform minor miracles, he is quite unable to channel the power of the staff into more major creations, or even into increasing his own virility. [Redacted] also attempts to develop stealth technology from ash, namely, he rubs ash on his skin, hoping that it provides camouflage. He soon discovers that this doesn't do anything, for he is already dark of skin in his natural state. The other African Americans spend the entire year napping.
>Population: 7 African Americans>>5247180The Silverfish send a squad to investigate the remains of the Great Hall. They calculate that there were several points of origin for the fire. By analyzing traces of DNA and excrement, they determine that the first fire was originally set at random by the Africans, and then spread around their hive maliciously by creatures made of ash. They also find a pit in the center of the Great Hall, that leads to another floor which has also burned from the fire (formerly, the home of the Rebel Scribes). Under this floor, they find the Deepwater Dungeon, which itself contains two levels, and provides the water for the water fountains of the area.
They also search for survivors, but there are none. Everyone who was trapped in the Great Hall perished. From analyzing the remains of the Skaven nest, they discover burned organic matter contaminated with various disease. They assimilate the substance into their body, and develop the ability to spread plagues, as if they were a Skaven plague mage.
>+2 plague mages>Population: 329 Silverfish [breeder], 70 Silverfish [normal]