>>5980576>>5980874Sharing the sentiments of his fellow Bordladdin, Bord-Aladin would become a spiritual leader and renowned scholar in his quest to secure a virtuous future for the Longbord race. Through his studies, Bord-Aladin advanced Bordladdin craftsmanship, developing new methods of shaping wood and metal into tools and arms. As he discovered properties in raw materials and substances, he realized that a standardized language would be needed to spread word of his findings. Thus, he united the common elements of the balkanized Bord dialects under a new language called Bordanese. Simultaneously, he codified his spiritual and natural observations into a set of guidelines for Longbords and his Bordladdin brothers to live by. Bord-Aladin defined laws for Bordkind to develop organized society and morality around, proper ways of dress, what shall and shall not be eaten, and how to respect and worship what he referred to as the "Allbeak," the creator of existence and embodiment of good. His ideology would come to be known as Islong.
As Blad, Pikebords, and the Gorebord offspring spread destructiong and despair across the lands, he came to view Blad as an agent of the "Unbeak," archenemy of the Allbeak and embodiment of evil. Upon this conclusion, he rallied the Bordladdins and led a jihad, calling for the death of Blad, his followers, and his unholy offspring. However, Allbeak was merciful, so all Horny Bords and who were opposed to Blad would be embraced, and Gorebord young who were not yet guilty were made to repent for their race's evil and undergo thorough reeducation. Bordladdins would refer to this holy mission as the Great Jihad.