>>5203672"The incident is believed to have occurred an hour ago during the Crucible's nighttime cycle within Wishbone Village in ForgeMistress Petunia's residence. The scene of the crime, and subsequent capture was the alley just outside the ForgeMistress Petunia's house as well as the residence in question. The object of the attempted theft in question is the Village Forge Core. It was found in Mayor Millie's possession when she was apprehended at the scene of the crime. In addition, We also have two eye witness accounts of Mayor Millie exiting the homestead with Forge core in possession. Put together, it is only logical to assume Mayor Millie is the suspected thief on account of her class as is registered on the village census records. the Prosecution would like to present the diagram of the crime scene as evidence."
Sathriel gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Very well, Prosecutor Yan Wong. The Court accepts these into the court record."
"Defender Solomon, your client, Millie, mayor of Wishbone village has been charged with Theft, Grand Larceny, and Abuse of Power. How does the Defense plead?"
"You honor, the defense pleads Not Guilty. The defense would also like to submit a statement from my client. My client's statement reads that she has kept herself in the public eye the moment the thefts began the village never leaving the village. She has also complied to the village rule of wearing the Skintalking silencer. The night of the incident, my client has stated she was wandering the streets when she noticed a suspicious unidentifiable person enter Forgemistress Petunia's home without knocking. Following the suspicious person, she confronted the thief and after a brief struggle, made away with the Forge core and prevented the theft. However during her escape she heard a loud shriek akin to a skintalker's spell and was briefly knocked unconscious by a sharp blow to the head. The next thing she knew, she was being arrested by Grizzie."
"I would like to present the injury report dealt to Mayor Millie during the time frame of the crime. Half of her upper body was pincushioned by spines of a plant-type ability and a head-wound to the side of her head dealt by the sharp corner of a hard blunt object. I would also like to present a neural-visual recreation of the Crime scene."
With a wave of gold neuromancy, Solomon bade the open space on the courtroom floor to grow, recreating a meaty diorama of the crime scene in miniature.
"As you can see, Forgemistress Petunia's home is located near a T-shaped intersection. Her home is a two-story building and the crime took place on the first floor. As for the crime scene itself, it is a mess. Furniture has been knocked over, and there are calcite spines laced with neurotoxins embedded in half the room, on the Forge, and in the Forge's interior."