This is the Quest Thread General. Think of it as the showers in this prison.
>What is a quest?An interactive story in which the QM (Quest Master, Quester Molester, Queer Masochist) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed. Dice may or may not be included due to on-site functionality.
Questionably Useful links:
> collection of guides which may or may not still be active, but can be good for general writing advice to avoid common beginner's traps. Badly in need of renovation.
>Archive of quest reviews: reading through, because the best way to figure out how a quest might go right or wrong is to see how it's been done before.
>Archiving guide:Go to out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as
>Formatting guide:Only the thread's OP can format.
Remove the spaces between the [] brackets and the letters:
<span class="mu-s">Bold</span>:
text<span class="mu-i">Italics</span>:
text /i ]
<span class="mu-r">Red</span>: [ red ]text[ /red ]
<span class="mu-b">Blue</span>: [ blue ]text[ /blue ]
<span class="mu-g">Green</span>: [ green ]text[ /green ]
>Discord link (fake):
>Player question
If you were to go back and change one vote in a quest to turn out a different way, what would it be?
>QM question
What was a time/s where your players surprised you with the action they decided to vote for? Whether good or bad.
>General question
Any story's going to have important events that, had they gone different, everything down the line would have changed. Is there a particularly interesting alternative route you can imagine a quest you run or play having taken that won't be seen?
>Bonus Player question
Is there a character you hate in any quest you follow? Regardless of what the actual player character's IC opinion of them is.
>Gluteal sulcus question
Is there anything that you want to ask of your QMs to do more of? Whether or not you've actually brought it up in the threads, as you really ought to.
>Bonus General question
It's time for the arbitrarily scheduled QTG quest survey. List what active quests you currently follow, for the benefit of science. Only a fraction of /qst/'s audience even hangs out here, but it might be worth knowing. No judgment of your taste. After all, you're posting in here, aren't you?