>>5300581>>5300581"I have footage of him infiltrating the system, and there is footage of him teleporting in the building! His father is tortured, beaten and barely alive! He will come straight to you, I have done all this for you master! Please give of me what was promised!" The small strange metal suit says
"You fool. Come on out Perturabo. Bring your brother. I have been looking forward to this. Also please know that I did not intend for this one to beat your father to death. But if it brings out what I need from you-" and the being turns and it's stare breaks the glass leaving Perturabo in a state you have not seen. He immediately fires his weapon and it is as if the projectiles arc around it into the the being in the strange metal suit which instantly falls over.
"Then so be it. Oh and you brought the eleventh! How strange I had not quite prepared for a fair fight!" The beast says brushing off what you can now discern as a kind of hair.
"Your arrogance is almost as terrible as your appearance." Perturabo notes stepping out of the tunnel.
"Oh, I am not. I will even be fair and send these interlopers away. All I have to do is kill just one of you after all! Two Primarchs to me? I think I can manage." The beast sneers and it's as if the light around it starts failing.
"You forgot about us." Deliah says as your honor guard readies weapons and in a hideous display the beast rolls it's eyes and makes out a noise that can only be described as laughter that causes your entire honor guard to fall down, ears bleeding.
"Oh right! You were serious! You have to be careful little psyker thing! I almost laughed so hard I summoned an enslaver plague! Oh well, you four can just lay there paralyzed for a little while as I giggle of that thought! Humans are so fragile!" It says as Erihapti growls.
"OH AND YOU BROUGHT A SNACK FOR ME! SHOAL STOAT MEAT IS SO TENDER AND DELCIOUS! IT'S SO YOUNG THAT IT WOULD BE A DELICACY!" it says causing Erihapti to give an alert bark. And you can tell that it's trying to get ya goat. It's working, but you do not act so rash as you step out of the mirror. Your instincts are on fire. This thing exists in the warp and real space simultaneously, you can tell by the mana flowing around it.
But some things must be answered.
This, thing, is the living embodiment of tyranny.
It must pay.