>>5359546You return once more to the sparsely-lite confines of aeons-old carved and decorated halls and all-but-empty temple-caverns meant to house thousands (instead of the scant few dozen who roam them now. You carry your two dwarves’ chains, and lead Agno and the fire=lizards, and your fellow returning champions. You attract looks and whispers—a phenomenon to which you are well-accustomed due to your unique nature, but which seem especially suspicious, resentful, and envious. Has word of your exploits spread back here?
You turn to see the Chaplain, flanked by the Silkscale who sometimes serves as his scribe and assistant.
“Leave your things,” he says, nodding your your treasures, slaves, pets, and companions alike. “We must speak. You have been gone long, and I would know to what end.”
“I had hoped to have much the same conversation,” you admit, bowing your head, “oh Holy One.”
You return the chains to Olu and the Cartographer, so they may attend to the prisoners, and you follow the Chaplain up stoen steps through a series of doors into the Star Chamber where he and his fellows interpret the will of the divine, and then once more into the Room for Confession, with its single, blood-stained stone dais, with a polished divot for one to place one’s forehead in submission.
What do you do?
>Tell the Chaplain everything, lest he discover it anyway, and plead necessity for the seedier or more unconventional actions>Proudly proclaim your victories, but hide your sins—the meddling with the dragon hatchling, you rusts and bug-impregnation, your skepticism of the Dark Gods’ supposed unity>Lie—say that dwarves were already an imminent threat to the security of the Conspiracy, and tell him you attacked them out of necessityDo you request aid?
>Yes, material aid in the form of more food and better equipment>Yes—reinforcements are vital, and you require more agents of the Master Race to do what must be done>Cede command to the Chaplain, or to whomever he may assignAnd what of the Green Knight?
>This mammalian marauder is of the utmost importance—the dwarves’ conquest can wait, but you need to track him down and end his threat NOW>The Green Knight is but one man—he can wait until the Blodorise is once more in Reptilian talons>Tell the Chaplain of him, and let him handle it how he will[Write-ins allowed for each]