Quoted By:
Deku’s question is interesting, one you'd have fun digging into some other time and under different circumstances. But you find it hard to ponder the morality and the repercussions of fame-seeking heroes from the average Joe's perspective when you know <span class="mu-i">exactly</span> what a hero abusing his top-of-the-charts position to traumatize his family looks like. Not that you can act on the knowledge. And even if you were to bring accusations against Endeavor, the most it would do is kill your nascent career before it even truly starts.
After a short pause, your first reaction to Deku’s prompt ends up being a harrumph while staring down at your boots as you walk, kicking up dirt or gravel where you can find it, trying to vent the frustration for that topic welling back up within you.
>"You don't need to answer if you don't want to, Ushi." You hear Shoto say as he lays a hand on your shoulder from behind, jolting your shoulders straight.
You look up to your friend, and are met with an uncommon but clear expression of concern from him. He follows it with a slightest shake of his head to reinforce what you already know: <span class="mu-i">don’t bring him up</span>.
"Don't worry sugah, it's just a 'tuff question, that's all!" You smile, pushing back on the frustration with his encouragement. "Y'all know Ah'm not the best at puttin' mah thoughts into words, as Ah've… uh, demonstrated on a few occasions, Ah guess."
Shoto nods with a slight smile full of understanding and a little relief as he returns to his previous position flanking your mark, while Deku just nods with a sheepish smile.
>"Enough times to make someone wonder if it's a problem with your thoughts rather than your words." Bakugo quips from behind, getting a puff of steam out of your nose.
"Hush now sugah, the adults are talkin'." You spit back. If direct aggression normally only stokes his competitive spirit, maybe talking down to him can drive him away, at least for now.
>"I'LL BLOW YOU UP YOU H-" Bakugo metaphorically explodes before cutting himself off and covering his face with both hands, dragging them down his face as he stops in his tracks for a moment and falling behind. You are almost surprised but you know tired-grumpy when you see it.
What was far more surprising in your opinion was Deku’s nervous laughter, audible even as he covered his mouth while his gaze bounced between Bakugo and you. Before long the blond boy reappears in your field of view, now matching pace with the rest of you, red-faced and silently glaring bloody murder at the befreckled boy, whose mirth dies on the spot.