>>5424687>>5424050>>5424024>>5423969>>5423702>>5423691>Pictured: Rie Kayano and Durante Blais-Bille. Director: Daichi Tomida>Alt Text: Close-up of an Ainu person and a Seminole shaking hands, both wearing traditional garb.“Serve as Ratu Adil with me. Together we can cover our weaknesses while you advise me on how best to serve *all* the people of The Island.”
Kaori laughs.
Kaori: I’m sorry, I know you’re serious but that just makes it funnier. I say I don't want power and you want me to be a messiah?
“The people already call you that, whether you want it or not. The title may as well be yours.”
Kaori: My people don't even have priests. The idea that some people are closer to the Loa is Samor nonsense. This whole divine monarch thing isn’t democracy. The moment you put on that robe a lot of The Island thought you spat on The Great Peace.
“Advise me then. If you’re so worried about the wrong person holding the Ax, who better to guard the people’s will than you?
Kaori: I can advise, but not endorse. It's up to the people if they back you or not. I’ll push you in the right direction, but what you do and how they react is outside my control.
“That’s fine with me, I need your wisdom, not your image.”
Kaori: You’re lucky The Hall of Peace is close enough to my shop, I have about four shoe orders to wrap up.”
“I wouldn’t think of depriving the world of your craft.”
Current Tribal Approval Ratings
>AhiSafely Lono
>IllaLean Lono
>NupuriLean Lono
>MuliSlightly Lean Norodom
>PonniSlightly Lean Norodom
>TayaLean Norodom
>ChantouSafely Norodom