>>5655080Your Archer bows his head and takes his leave, to do as you have asked. Ever the hardworking champion of your people, you waste no time while you wait for her: you begin plotting contingencies. Alexos, Paladin Prince of Hawksong, heir to the throne, may yet live. While he cannot hope to recapture this kingdom which you have all but bent to your dark will, you are not the kind of ruler who leaves loose ends to chance, or simply hoeps for the best.
“Halle, Roth, to me.”
You instruct your other trusted agents—Halle the Silkscale Infiltrator, and the Dragonblooded Infiltrator ‘Roth’ who sired you—to work with the Succubus and her burgeoning cult to begin spreading rumours of Prince Alexos’ diplomatic failures and personal failings. Through Rufos’ de facto rule, you will poison him to his father, his sister, and his people. The tabloids of the common folk and the courtly gossip of the nobility will be in accord: Alexos is a fallen star. If he lives, and returns, it will be to cheers, not cheers. If he vies for the throne, it will be no more brotherly squabble, but civil war.
Even laid in bed, you are truly a force to be reckoned with.
You close your eyes, and you do not dream in your sleepless Reptilian torpor, but if you dreamt at all it would be of your Novice, and her healing touch, or of your Eka in a white dress.
>Choose one of your stats to upgrade, and remember: you can only EVER max one more stat at 5, though doing so will net you an additional bonus<META ‘VOTES’>
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