I lied, one last update.
>>5706868>>5706918>>5706926>>5706942>...Can you please albeoate on this line? Is it meant to mean that the demon barins were all destroyed, and that their survival would have doomed the world utterly?The demon barons were said to match the gods in power–the only real distinction was their intense, burning enmity for the chthonic. That humans were able to defeat them is a wonder still today. In fact, the basis of most modern magic systems were taken wholesale from the magic tomes of the demon lords. The exchange is a point of concern for some: wizard scholars theorize that if a demon lord were to somehow return, it could learn from the way modern wizards and witches have expanded on their magic to wreak destruction in terrible new ways.
>Is there a stigma or something against gingers in this world?About as much as the real world.
>Whats the difference between our OG wand and the censer wand?The censer wand makes for potent spells that spread quick, but only the most adept of magi can put it to proper use. The medium of incense smoke is extremely difficult to control for even veteran wizards and witches. You are not that adept a wizard, and on top of your wild god blood, you can expect more obfuscation than usual in your card selection (though, not near as bad as the piece-of-shit willow wand). You may find it has unique boons from the dyadic, though.
>What is Bredbeddle's body fat percentage?sigrid > bredbeddle > molly