Not like the place you ended up at is any more welcoming than the Spooks. - ELEUTHERIA APO FOS
Your group steps past the edge of EAF's perimeter which is oh so conveniently marked by piles of scrap metal with "EAF" scribbled haphazardly on them. The first thing you see once entering EAF is a man being stabbed to death right in front of you.
It happens so quickly, none of your allies aside from Kiara could register what happened until the man is face down in a pool of his own blood.
The woman who stabbed him was clearly high off something with how bloodshot her eyes were and the fact she was screeching like a banshee. She clears half a block's worth in distance in only a few seconds. Fuck, drug addicts are something else.
"What the-" "There's a reason I never went here."
They weren't kidding when they said these were the slums though. The buildings around you are caked in a thick layer of oil, grime and a variety of bodily fluids you don't want to think too hard about. The structural integrity of them leaves a lot to ask for as well. You can't spot a single unboarded window and most of the doors are covered in thick iron bars.
The darkness here is AWFUL. It's almost as bad as the fog back at Q-Corp with how thick the haze here. You can see around just fine by the perimeter but once you walk past, say, half a block from where you're at? A complete void of darkness.
The people wandering around the poorly maintained streets are clearly people you should NOT associate with. Lex and Ashley would look like boring office workers with how...shady and experimental a lot of the people here look.
There's a few who are wearing rags like the ones you're wearing for your disguises (you assume these are non-syndies) but as for the syndies? Your group spots five people that seem to be in different syndicates.
[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Ooo, that's an interesting biomod. Ramshackle, yes, but interesting!" Benjamin's attention is drawn to a woman with two large claw-like limbs made out of a brown carapace similar to that of a cockroach's. (You have to stop Casey from chasing after her.)
[MAX ALLY] "I haven't seen a fashion statement THAT bad in a good long while." Max points towards a shirtless man who is CAKED in chrome spray paint from head to toe. Two large hydraulic powered gauntlets weigh his admittedly wimpy arms down a LOT.
[KIARA ALLY] "Ah, that's one of them!" Kiara points a man with a similar amount of bulk to Seath idly waiting outside of a busy S-Corp 'Chinese' restaurant. His right eye is gone, his left hand is missing, and his left eye is filled with an off-greenish yellow fluid.
[CLOVER ALLY] Clover's face twists into a grimace of disgust. "A sight to cause sore eyes..." His eyes are locked onto a really out of place woman in a beret and musketeer's outfit. You would've thought she would be robbed or assaulted by now with how fancy his outfit is but no one is bothering her.