rolls her eyes, then sets to scuffing out the kid's bionics with a scouring pad. "That kid's gonna run you ragged at this rate, ahaha!"
Pouting, Chuu Lee defends herself, "Hey, you just try denying him when he’s..." She pauses in recollection, a smile worming its way onto her face comprised of half shame and half squee. She sighs, "When he’s staring up at you with the cutest eyes you've ever seen!"
This excuse gets a laugh from Cookie, which to be fair wasn't particularly hard. "Oh please, not like he's been needing those to play you! C'mon hon, you gotta work up a resistance at some point!"
Aside, Peppa puts a hand to her mouth to cover up the big smirk that’s from hearing that yes, her Teach is still a big sucker!
Even still, Chuu Lee boasts, "Hey now, I managed to put up a fight this time!"
Cookie raises an eyebrow at the new mother, also while pouring a bucket on the cyborg below to rinse the suds off.
Chuu Lee raises a finger, other hand on her hip. "This time, I told him to go ask his father!"
"And, here!" Lapis Lee hands the dart gun to his young son, and admires his work.
The kid has sunglasses on and a toothpick in his mouth, and hefts the gun up unsteadily.
Tommy asks his dad (while pointing the barrel of the gun at his face), "Do I look cool?"
“Are you kidding?” Lapis scoffs. "You’re like the raddest kid ever! C'mon, let's get a picture, your mom's gonna <span class="mu-i">flip!"</span>
"The kid's gonna have a tattoo before you know it," Cookie laments, and Peppa nods.
"Only Temporary!" Chuu Lee says on reflex.
"Mmhmm," Cookie 'agrees' as she goes about blow-drying the boy with his own super strength blow-dryer.
Peppa shrugs, "Ehhh, dying your hair isn't <span class="mu-i">that</span> bad. I figure he probably got inspired from seeing yours, Teach!"
Chuu Lee was nodding till midway through her student's show of support, and is now ruthlessly tugging at the girl's cheeks. "Who's dying today, Peppaaa?"
Fearing her face will contort this way forevermore should the stretching continue, Peppa hastily corrects herself, "My mithtake, your red hair ith thuper natural, Teach! Thorry 'bout that!"
Cookie points up at the display of chastisement, cheering, "Yes, more of that, ahaha! Try that with Tommy's cheeks the next time he's dreaming!"
Chuu Lee drops the monkeygirl like a sack of potatoes as she considers that. "...I don't know if I could. Whenever there's something he wants, I want to give it to him!" Chuu Lee denies. "Like his favorite meals, his own paints, a theme park-"
"A theme park!?" Cookie asks, misaiming the blow-dryer and blowing her own hat off.
Chuu Lee scratches the back of her neck. "Eh, nothing big, we just cordoned off a small bit of the reserve, put up some decorations and filled it with petting zoo animals. ...actually earns a pretty zenny!"