>>5674337> I think in-person physical retail experience is perhaps antithetical to futurism / cyberpunkOnly because it has been moved online. In real tech moguls' dreams, and in the popular consciousness, a globe-spanning shopping centre populated by dead-eyed consumer avatars and filled with an endless expanse of sterile white walls plastered with holographic ads is just around the corner!
>>5674359>But I truly don't know if people would enjoy a quest where we are essentially bullied by the world... happiness shines brightest against the backdrop of despair, yet who would subject themselves to it?People love playing an underdog. Just expect to lose a few players who are only here for a power fantasy and hate setbacks. Those who remain tend to be better company anyway.
>>5674378Solid music, though
>>5674381 will not load for me.
>>5674439Bold of you to assume male PCs reliably demonstrate reason or accountability.