>>5362035>>5362030>>5362016>>5362002>>5361922>Find a better location for it, whether inland or underwater but at least out of the heat and the sun, and learn what you can of your two new prisoners. They may not be as informative as the merchant but perhaps you have other curiosities to ask of them?Although you have devious intent, and aren't remotely finished with that city you rightfully call your own, you want to know every piece of the puzzle before things are put into place. So to speak, and when is the next time you'll have a chance at getting your hands on nobility? Not to mention this will give you a chance to recover from this hangover.
So you decide for the first time, to head further inland. You'd be better suited for returning underwater, but given the state of shock these women are in, you suspect it would only be worse if you forcibly changed them to be able to survive underwater like you did with Emil. It took him a long time to adjust and he still isn't so loyal to you that he wouldn't run away if he could.
<span class="mu-b">"Ughhh... should have made it stormy before leaving the beach, at least block out the sun."</span>
<span class="mu-s">"How about a forest then? Ah, well trees at least, look there."</span>
Lumbering along at your huge size, your little group departs from the shore and start to make your way inland. It's been an age since you felt anything but sand beneath your feet, so rocks and dirt and grass are a pleasant change. And while you still have the welcome sea breeze to your back, the heat still plagues you. Fortunately it isn't terribly far to find some cover, as you had before in a kelp forest and now you can with a forest on land. Well maybe not a proper forest as much as a small grove, but there's at least a few trees tall enough to accommodate even you. Also a benefit for not being seen, otherwise any random human would be able to sight you at a distance. Tramping through the underbrush then, you find a decent place to rest for the time being.
<span class="mu-s">"Did you see the windmill? I bet that's where the crew all ran off to in the night."</span>
<span class="mu-b">"Enough, little man. Busy yourself with making things more comfortable."</span>
Just glad to finally be out of the sun, you shove Emil off so that you can focus on the matter at hand. Having set the two women down, they huddle together in continued fear of you. Peering from one to the other though, they at least aren't in a state of complete shock after having to get used to being held and carried by you all this way.
<span class="mu-s">"...p-please, kirsh. If you have any grace, you will not... t-torment us?"</span>
To your surprise one of them eventually speaks up, her accent stammering with fear. She is familiar with the language of this region though, so that's something.
<span class="mu-b">"...Kirsh?"</span>
<span class="mu-s">"F-From our language, if you have no name?"</span>
Well it's a step in a direction, whether it's the right direction is for you to decide.