Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Technology and Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Education.
>The civilisation gets -5 Equality.
The legend of Glavolan has led to a fixation with cleverness. The leaders of the Protavic decide that only the most cunning men and women should be allowed to lead their families. In order to assess the intelligence of the tribe, an exercise is developed that involves moving a set of beeswax tokens across a grid and using them to eliminate the opponent's tokens. It is called <span class="mu-s">Blocrum</span> – the little war – and it is one of the first games to ever be made.
A great deal of importance is attributed to this game and those who are good at it, but it is not the only method of testing the intelligence of leadership candidates. Riddles also play an important part in the contest, as a true leader must be able to solve any puzzle that they are confronted with. As time passes, intelligence begins to be seen as the result of a critical mass of Drocrom – the cleverest Protavic are the ones with the strongest essence, while those who are incapable of playing Blocrum or solving riddles clearly possess weak spirits.
A generation passes.
As the population and wealth of the tribe continues to grow, new methods of storage are required in order to contain all of the resources that the Protavic have accumulated. This eventually leads to the development of earthenware and primitive pots, that are used for the storage of honey and other such perishable things.
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Technology.
Another development soon follows. An adventurous Protavil leaves a mixture of water and honey in a clay jar for a little too long and discovers that it tastes rather strange. More importantly, the more he drinks, the happier he feels. He decides to share this concoction of fermenting honey water with others, who share it with their acquaintances. The leaders of the families need to act quickly, before the entire tribe is swept up in this craze.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">embrace alcohol</span>. If it lifts the spirits of the people, how could it be a bad thing? This fermented honey drink should be celebrated and enjoyed by everyone.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">reserve the honey wine for religious purposes</span>. Something special has happened to the honey's essence. This strange concoction should be reserved for holy days and rituals.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">reserve it as a trade good</span>. Our tribesmen should not imbibe something that will cloud their minds, yet our tribe could profit off of this substance by offering it to its neighbours in exchange for more valuable goods.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">ban the poison</span>. There is nothing to be gained from clouding one's mind with this toxic concoction. The Protavic should be more careful about what they eat and drink.
How do our tribe's leaders react?
>Embrace alcohol.
>Reserve it for religious purposes.
>Reserve it as a trade good.
>Ban the poison.