I’m going to wrap up Thread #2 here. This last event is a reward for having kept all of Alvin’s men alive.
This was a fun thread to write. Watching the reactions to the Djinn was one of the funniest things I’d seen here. From resignation when it first popped out and you saw its stats, to then nearly killing it on the first turn, to it then pulling the bullshit it did and causing panic once more. I certainly thought someone was going to die here.
Tristain is growing into quite the powerhouse. His stats, particularly strength and HP, are getting pretty huge. I originally had mentioned that every 3 level-ups, I’d give him a new ability or an additional Crest charge. I’ve decided to retcon that and make improvements like that story-based instead. Four Indech charges is pretty good right now as is anyway, and you didn’t even need them to beat your copycat.
If anyone has any questions about alternate things that may have happened, or just questions in general, I’ll still be periodically checking the thread while it's up. Thread #3 will likely start a few weeks into January. Until then though, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, as well as a Happy New Year.
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