>>5578855The Green Knight is in rough shape. You are sort of impressed the human is standing at all. His breathing is ragged, wheezing—you know the sound from when your won broken rib pierced your lung, once upon a time during your rescue of Davora. His hazel eyes are bloodshot, his grimace bloodied by upchucked blood. Without a healer’s attention, you suspect his existing injuries would mean his death, even without any further action on your part…
And yet he stands. Those eyes, bloodshot and bleary though they be, are filled with resolve, and a deep well of vengeance such as you do not think you have even seen in your most rebellious slaves or captives. It is the cultivated loathing of years—decades, a lifetime—focused to a beam of deadly intensity, and focused upon you like a bolt of smiting lightning. He takes up his shield in his other arm—a measure of defence against your own shoggoth-cuirass, in lieu of his now-useless and abandoned outer armour. In the shield, polished silver, with the faintest sheen of magic to your sixth sense, you see your mirror image.
In your reflection, you see…
>Trepidation—this man should be dead, surely?! You will draw your bow, use your magic—keep him at a distance!>Excitement—now THIS is a duel, a PROPER challenge from a WORTHY foe! You will clash swords with this knight, and prove your superiority once and for all!>Hatred, to match the Green Knight’s own—if he won’t stay dead, then you’ll just have to summon forth the shoggoth-sword and use the might of that dread weapon to put him down all the more painfully and brutally![Write-in’s permitted, tactics encouraged.]
Green Knight: 2/5 HP