>>6122478Action 1: Formation of the Bakhold Pouncers (Medqa Jumping Cavalry)
>Tell of your showing in the Orcmanie horse matches has reached the council's ears. With growing unrest to the south, and our new neighbors to the north, the so-far unnecessary formation of an official and expensive combat force has finally been authorized.>You may utilize the attached seal to command the aid and cooperation of three houses, as well as requistition three hundred pund's worth of gold from the council treasury. In exchange, we expect a fully trained force of Medqa riders, or however you see fit to name them.>Terra has seen worth in you. Do not fail her.- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Habitun Council
>I suppose I could use the additional income. Still, a Medqa saddle that doesn't fall off even when they spread their wings? I would have to either store it right above their heads and limit it to one rider, or somehow allow it to meld through for your proposed four.>If you wish the latter, I suppose you could put me in touch with Stige Sukon? I hear he is in a slump as of late in Bikube, but he refuses to return my messages whenever I ask him to collaborate.- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Bille Hitab
>I ignore the summons of an ignorant child too blinded by love to seek out his full potential. He did not tell you of how he ignored MY messages when he was pursuing that Katan bint.>Naturally, the council is a different matter, though I believe I've exhausted what research I could perform with the Medqa until the council grants my request for live subjects.>If all you wish is a way to phase through the Medqa wings to bind a saddle, well, my insights in the possession of the inanimate could prove to be of use. After all, only one rider need possess the beast itself, leaving three shadows unused.>As I write this, I realize that there could be worth in this after all. More than I've had drumming my skull on my laboratory walls. You can count on my zest.- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Stige Sukon
>The council's desires for a "cavalry" belie their utter ignorance of the practicalities of combat.>We are few. Fewer than any collective I've seen yet. What "cavalry" we gather would lack the numbers to strike at any sizable force marshaled against us. It would have scarcely the space to charge from, through, nor at, not in our terrain, mountainous or forested as it is. And furthermore, we've not the beasts that would allow such a task even on flat terrain. Yaks, mules, and donkeys do not hold the fearsomeness the warhorses of the Orcmanie do. You should know, you've seen them.>I cannot risk my family name on this hare-brained venture. I implore you to curse another with it.- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Scoutsmaster Ivar Buraq