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<span class="mu-i">Preliminary exotechnology report, 12 May 2191. EYES ONLY.</span>
Topic: Deflector Coating
It must first be noted that while Garmillas vessels are predicted to possess a high operational threshold, the design itself appears to be mediocre. The boreless turrets can only rotate on a y-axis, and the turrets that possess all-around rotation is mounted at the rear. The turn rate of these turrets are also abysmal by combat vessel standards, with the boreless turrets having an observed rate of 30 RPM, and the barreled turrets having a maximum rate of 80 RPM. Additionally, is the superfluous addition of a static turret at each side of the cruiser-to-destroyer classes. Overall, the ship designs seem more analogous to a cross between a blue water navy vessel and a submarine, presumably facilitated by the full coverage of artificial gravity, and high-performance inertial dampeners, aspects of technology in excess of what is available to the First Federation. The most remarkable feature currently is a layer covering the outer hull, discovered to be a form of nano-lamination. This lamination, which functions similarly to early ablative armor plating, reacts when in contact with radiation, coherent or otherwise, mostly adjusted towards high-energy phenomenon, particularly weaponry. This substance is theorized to have varying resistance thresholds, operating on the basis of "all-or-nothing". If the directed energy does not exceed the threshold, the medium will then be redirected from the hull in a parabolic trajectory, preserving the initial vector, momentum restarting on the adjacent coordinate. This piece of technology is the most comprehensively studied, by covertly utilizing low-powered lasers in order to avoid provocation. The coating also disperses the energy in a radial pattern in a diameter around 3.5925 times the size of the impacting beam. Oddly enough, the coating also has a minimal stimulus requirement, as regular light is not affected by the coating. Whether it is due to specific energy densities catalyzing the agent, or due to an active control system remains unknown at the moment. An additional observed function is a heat-sink, as Garmillan vessels utilize the entire hull as a thermal dissipator, seemingly aided by the coating. Requires high-stress to reveal other properties