>>5625676As Toby and his hounds distract the seekers and searchers, Lamia can dash from roof-top to rooftop and harass the few who leaves their flanks open.
+3 Hits, Resisted by 8.
-2 Effective.
. . . But - ah, yes. They were forewarned by the heavily armored scrapknight and his hunting hounds, and in the twisting alleys the hunters end up becoming the hunted before the hunters hunting the hunters become the hounded by the hunting hounds. Or the.. hounding hunters hound the hunter hounds? The hounds that we send hound the Hounds but their hunting hounds Hound our hunting hounds? I... It... Uh...
... Point is we need 10 hours and Doc's steady hands to stitch Lamia up again after she gets cornered by three Biters...
>downtime 1/3