>>5343308>18He is silent for a time… But then he whirls his chain a few times and coils it around his wrist and forearm once more, and shrugs. He barks something unintelligible at the two surviving Bogbarri assassins, who in turn hop to their feet and move to collect the dwarves they can carry.
“You bring the rest,” he says, pointing at you sternly. “Drag down to somewhere low, dark. We retrieve, when I can get more hunters to collect.”
He surveys the dead bugbears one last time, and ruminates.
“Deaths will make it hard to convince… But all this meat, and some of gold and dwarf-axes… Yes, will find Bogbarri who will follow.”
Without another word to you, he lopes to his bat-beast, slings himself atop it, and returns once more to the moon and stars above, and then vanishes down into some crack in the deep earth. His minions as stubbornly bound to the earth as any of you, trace a more traditional path down the mountainside… Once you use the last of your available mana to open the way for them again.
Only then, exhausted mystically, emotionally, and physically, do you turn to the dwarves. They speak the northern common-tongue as you do, but it’s clear none of them understood your conversation with the barbed creature whose wrath you spared them—it was in the derived elven dialect of the Drow. They cower, not understanding what happened or why they yet live. They fear the worst.
Perhaps they are right to do so.
What information do you wish to extract from them via interrogation? [choose two]
>A better understanding of the local dwarven political situation>The locations of their rival company towns>The uses for orichalcum>The magic axe's capabilities>The skillsets of the survivors, so you might better know what use to put them towards>Some of their language and culture, so you may better know your enemyWho will you try to extract this information from? [choose one]
>Their eldest living male>Their comeliest female>The most fearful of the older adolescents