You possess:
Wallet / Strange Identification
>>5122209Ordinary Phone, battery charge: 40+3d20
>>5122079You are wearing: (choose ONE)
>casual clothes>corporate clothes>nakedThere is a tomboyish-looking girl sat waiting in the hair salon beside you. The girl is ignoring the stylish coffee table fashion and design magazines provided by the salon as she is instead reading some sort of anatomical or medical textbook she has brought with her. You can see another book beside the girl as well, entitled Der Narrenturm.
>Er... do you work here? Where is Karl? I need a haircut...>That is an interesting medical book... are you training to become a nurse?>That is an interesting medical book... are you studying to become a Doctor?>What is that other book? Is it some sort of roleplaying game?>(Ignore the girl, get up and look around the hair salon for Karl yourself)>Look in the mirror of the hair salon