>>5649683>>5649674You frown, feeling a spark of irritation. "Well if you are just a loser then why am I here?" You cross your arms. "You are just being vague and trying to dismiss yourself... but clearly you think you are important because you think its worth my sleep to talk to you mister loser!"
Your stomach grumbles as you look at his bag of marshmallows. "I think I am at least owed a smore if you are going to bother me like this."
The man hands you a stick and a marshamllow, you snatch it from his hand and gingerly get to work on toasting your treats. "My apologies. I did not mean to imply you did not deserve to know my name..." He sighs. "It's just... nothing I have done is worth being proud of. The history books write of me as a wise king and a brilliant inventor who defeated the Armada of evil and ended the dreams of a mad lord..." He pauses, watching the fire. "But that was 40 years of bloodshed, 39 of those years wasted wringing my hands about a moral connundrum I did not even answer successfully. Then I spent thousands of years alone." He sighs. "I did not even save the world from my mistakes, twice has the world been damned by my errors, it is merely divine will that a child suceeded where I failed the second time.You may look my name up if you wish, they call me Az. But, there is nothing of value in there."
"..." The marshmallow falls from your stick, burning in the embers of the flame. "Okay so... why are you telling me this?"
He looks at the flames. "...I think I need to apologize. It has appeared that even that, after all this time, even that evil has survived me. I try to protect people and hundreds die. I try to kill a man... and he is as immortal as me now." He smiles thinly. "As I have said. I am a loser... and that mans shadow looms over you."
"...Huh? W-which evil?" You replace the marshmallow.
"I am known as the man who made a weapon to end a great and terrible war... But the history books do not bother to go over who that war was against. Or what the weapon was pointed at." He grumbles. "People spend centuries wondering about the Great Crater but no one seems to realize craters are impact sites. The mad king of Paldea slipped into obscurity and ruin, not without reason. It took a thousand years for Paldea to reform from small fractured nations to a empire. And that empire has gladly taken more credit and glory... But that didn't mean the king went away. He's just been wandering." He turns to you. "Just like me. Wandering lost for 3000 years... but that King has not stayed in his lands... he's in yours."
>Orre? Why would he want to do that?>But... I'm not a hero, im not even plucky! Im just a lazy girl why not warn Sunny?>You realize im in jail right? I cant do anything about this king of yours>S-so now what?>Write in