Counting votes:
>>5201302 magic, then beat her up (qGUMc2Kr)>>5201366 magic, then ass whopping (VHdU8AuB)>>5202036 magic, and beat her up (wiFqboHe)>>5201303 and >>5201319 / magic + fire (RGmP87+l)>>5201321 Magic + fire (O2zMME3h)>>5201339 beat her up? (zFneq9Sx)>>5201470 open a can of whoop ass (FnRRwNEv)CONCLUSION:
>magic and beat her up.ROLL 1D20 Bo3
You have 3 actions to select.
-Strike again (1 action) Add another 1d20
-Defend (1 actions) reduce incoming damage by 1
-Cast a spell ( 1-3 actions)(1 aberrance spells cost 1 action, 2 aberrance cost 2 and so on)
-Precise strike (1 action) (+2 to hit)
-Dodge (1 action) (for every point of damage you take roll 1d8, on a 8 ignore that point of damage) (For every additional time you choose dodge, add +1 to the roll)
-Aimed damage (1 actions) (if you hit, roll 1d6, 3-6 you cause an additional lingering injury)(this action can only be taken once)
-Use item ( 1 action)
The guys at the general didnt realy help developing this so lets do the test run now.