Your plan is quite straightforward : go up the third floor, have a quick glance, then get out unnoticed. This time you don't temper with your scale's albedo to avoid becoming a rising sun entering the cave
>>5328086>3Instead, you just walk in and you're met with the resident's griffon gaze. But the griffon's not alone.
>Friendship test; DC 15 (+5 to not get attacked on sight by mama griffonbear)>>5328092>>5328157>>5328179>16You raise your eyes, and the mythical beast and you reached instant comprehension. Both of you want to avoid fighting to save energy; as long as there is enough meat for everyone there won't be issue. And looking at the mangled corpses of the rat you slayed that's been stockpiled in the room, meat won't be an issue for at least a fortnight. No worries of spoiling meat; the ratmen were not quite dead and have been further made harmless by making them armless.
You get out of the cave. This was quite the best outcome you could have got from this interaction. What more to expect, getting adopted?
>Roll me 1d20 not !!!FUN!!! for once die