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You don't have time for this- if JJ is a monster it'd be more convenient to be lunged at and hope you can dig a knife in first.
It's a cruel thought, but a necessary one.
Knife ready, you knock on the door, the metal of your hand resonates louder than intended.
Just faintly, from within, you hear what seems to be like tinny wheezing.
You open the door.
>"Hello Sir."
JJ looks up at you slowly, her eyes seem sunken, her smile gapped slightly in a way that pronounces her state as a 'puppet' a bit more than the girl she was supposed to represent.
She's in the corner where she'd locked herself up. her shoulders and legs jittering with robotic life.
>"I did as you said, but... I think I know why my model is scrapped so often, ha ha."
The laugh is devoid of mirth.
>"I'm... just a janitor robot, I'm not built to be alone in the dark, the line between simulated emotions is really thin. I guess I was wrong about that."
Her eyes trail across you slowly, trance-like, before settling intently on your knife. She ponders it briefly, not breaking contact with it as she continues;
>"I won't survive here. It's easier if it's a familiar face, if you dig that under my chin, right here-"
She gestures towards a split in the wood between her neck and chin, various wiring runs through it.
>"It'll decommission me immediately. It’ll happen anyways on my own, and I don't expect you to babysit me. If it's more convenient I can do it myself. Dea-
>"Decommissioning when I know it’s coming is preferable to not knowing at all. My innards are worth a fair share of money, and I have no Night mode to taint them-I'm sure when the Crew finds me in the morning you can pawn them off for more than you paid to buy me."
She quickly adds with a sudden tone of optimism-
>"Think of it like practice for Remnant harvesting! I'm a perfect practice target to work up to the real thing! It’s a net...
>”a net profit.”