Quoted By:
It's a woman. Tall, rich looking, blonde. Wearing a dark red jacket, felt if you're not mistaken, and loose black slacks. She's alone, which probably isn't a good idea in this neighbourhood, but maybe she has her own car. She looks confident enough to brave these
streets at any rate. She's carrying a small purse, big enough to carry personal effects, including a gun.
>Can I help you?
"Yes. Are you Mr. LeBlanc?"
Her voice has only the faintest hint of an accent. You can't quite place it. You nod in reply to her question.
>I am. Are you looking for a detective?
She smiles, a charming and cordial one that would put anyone at ease. The kind of smile for friends that aren't really friends.
"Of course."
>Well, come in then.
You open the door fully and walk back to your desk. She follows you, sitting down demurely in the wooden seat in front of it. You should buy a nicer one of those these days.
>How can I help you, Miss...?
"Miss Brean. Vera Brean. And I need your help, Mr. LeBlanc. I've got something I want you to find for me, something very important. I'll pay you well if you succeed. Think you could help?"
She's looking around at the room while she speaks, staring at all your memorabilia and furniture. It's nothing impressive. Some bits and bobs of sentimental value, filing cabinets and drawers filled with papers, a few newspaper clippings mentioning you or a case you solved. The light from the neon sign outside shines brightly through the windows, and you realise that you forgot to turn on the light. Damn. It looks like she doesn't mind though.
>Of course. What's the case?
She hesitates a moment, taking a moment to think, then looks directly at you. Her eyes are a deep green, and her cheeks are slightly flushed.
"Well Mr. LeBlanc. What I'm asking you to find has gone missing, and not because it's been misplaced. It's...
>A letter. A very important letter that might be... embarrassing to someone important. Not myself, but someone I know. They very much want it back before it accidentally falls into the wrong hands.
>A jewel. It's a rare and very precious artifact. It's gone missing from its case, and nobody knows where it's gone. I want you to track it down before it gets sold, or put away somewhere.
>A lawyer. He's gone missing, but we know he's not dead otherwise there'd be a body. He's part of a very important case, and its essential you find out what's happened to him.