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Following his nose- the small kobold named <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Wiggles</span></span> has managed to locate the source of the enticing “smell” that drew the kobold party members forward. Despite this place being an ancient, dusty tomb in the heart of a mountain- the kobolds can smell and breathe freely here. They are part dragon after all- despite how small that part may be.
Because of their ability to smell gold and silver, kobold are known to be quite able to locate valuables. This has given them a knack for thieving, but also for grave-robbing and plundering from ancient tombs. While never as rich as an industrious dwarf- Kobolds are still quite good at what they do. In an ancient cask near the back of an old room filled with other knick-knacks and distracting things- Wiggles leads the party to an old box. Faded with time, the leaf and tree decorations and greenery instantly alert everyone this is an elvish thing. Perhaps a gift for the old Wizard, discarded and placed down here for storage? Was it hidden here by an elf in the hopes of guarding their treasure, before they forgot about it in their endless years?
Opening the container it becomes obvious how even the small Kobold could find it from so far away. Within the container are two items- the first is a white quiver with arrows, made of some kind of fur, and the other is a scroll made of a shiny material. The kobold goes for the scroll first, of course, and Wiggles unfurls it to find a <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Spell Scroll</span></span>! Not only that, but the scroll itself is made of electrum, or pale gold, making it shimmer.
As for the quiver- the elf fighter named Twink instantly deduces what it is and its significance, and snatches it up before anyone else does. This is no ordinary elf quiver. Made of white lion fur and arrows topped with white swan feathers- this is a quiver of <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Magic Arrows</span></span>.
<span class="mu-s">Rules</span>
The <span class="mu-s">Magic Arrows</span> increase the “Shoot” power of Twink's bow by +2, meaning he can now “Pick Off” an enemy of 5 power or less without having to make a combat roll. In addition, these arrows are <span class="mu-i">magic</span> and can strike at, but not injure, ghostly apparitions and spirits. Using them, Twink can <span class="mu-s">Pin</span> a ghost with an arrow, causing the next magic roll against it to be easier- rolling as though the <span class="mu-i">Chorus</span> against that spirit is 2 higher.
The <span class="mu-s">Spell Scroll</span> now belongs to Wiggles. It is a powerful artifact that contains written on it magic incantations that can cast spells. Wiggles can decide to <span class="mu-i">cast a spell</span> whenever a roll is called and make a <span class="mu-i">magic roll</span>. The number Wiggles rolls becomes the <span class="mu-i">number of seals required by friendly party members to complete the spell</span>. If the magic roll is a 1, then Wiggles can finish casting the spell by themselves and it is cast automatically.
While Wiggles isn't exactly sure what kind of spells they can cast yet- the small kobold knows this artifact will be of great use in their travels.