You, a Goblin of the Goblinslayer universe, chanced to rescue the grievously injured Yang Wuhan, 殃污琀, "Calamity-Corrupted Corpsepearl", also known as Divine Demon, Wyrmacide, Sword Specter, Wind Incarnadine, Gore Walker, Blade Emperor, the Absolute™, &c &c.
You being on the lam from (<span class="mu-i">shudder</span>) the Goblinslayer, and Yang Wuhan being on transdimensional lam from a desperate alliance of (<span class="mu-s">puih</span>) Righteous and Deviant sects, you find enough in common to form a Master-Student relationship.
He now calls you his Toady (Tudi; Disciple) and you call him Young Seafood, or Seafood (Yang Shifu; Master Yang). You being from an Always Neutral Evil race and him being all ways Chaotic Evil helps: you both understand and accept each other's abuse and exploitation with a hellish harmony.
You lead a lost child, Uille, to her death at Seafood's hands, because he asked for the blood of virgins, and Uille's 5. You also manage to break Seafood's World Piercing Dagger on a tree.
For your idiocies, Seafood punishes you by joining you and Uille, now Gui Li, 鬼 礼, "Ghostly Propriety", in Unworldly Matrimony. Your already fractious relationship with Gui Li is made worse when you respond to her demands for grudge-debt with a guts-to-gullet <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">BRAAAAP</span></span>. Your daily performance of Conjugal Performance Ceremonies (pastebin and your impossible gobby ChaRizzma is the only thing keeping her in check these days.
Seeing your martial potential by how you broke a wondrous weapon that took 99 years to make, Young Seafood also begins to teach you the Thousand Segment Carrionpede Form, then you both go to Plague Town, aka Derreschston, so that Seafood can learn about this world's magic.
In the process of skulking and stealing all over Plague Town you manage to find a Whitey Big 'At's (Deacon Omer) body and Whitey Stick (Deaconic Rule; wand of office), Plague Dedder Dust, and Sordyfagg's (Dfidé Pieté; Paladin Squire) dirty laundry, and ovver inneresten fings.
While you are scouting and stealing from the Mayorate Court, a compound fortified and manned by the TownBoss (Mayor) and other commonfolk survivors, Seafood is making local business contacts...
>29 Dedder Dusts >§107 WTF IS §:[CURRENT MAIN OBJECTIVE]
>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM >22 days remaining >Derreschston pop. 70LM remaining >Current Derreschston Sus penalty -5 [THOUSAND SEGMENT CARRIONPEDE FORM]
>+4(/4) Hit Chance, +2(/4) Physical Damage>Gui Li causes -1 to stat gains in Form, to a min of +1 per gain.Prevs: