Quoted By:
“We’ll lay low for now.” You decide. “There’s no reason to take risks right now.”
Muffin groaned. “I’m gonna be carrying books for the next week aren’t I?”
“And reading them.” Katrina added with just a hint of smugness.
Muffin rolled her eyes. “Pfft, you’d have to teach me first. No schools in my childhood. Waste of time anyway.”
You aren’t surprised, though Katrina twitches as if struck. “We will correct this then.”
“Oh fuck, you’re serious. You really mean that.”
“If I am to endure your foul tongue and vulgar attitude, at least I might enlighten you a bit.”
“You haughty bitch, I don’t need to be enlightened!”
You cut in hastily before the two start to really bicker. “Muffin, we might want to look into a spellcasting manual as well, once you can read it.”
Katrina gets the carriage moving onward, grinning as Muffin’s mouth gaped for a moment.
“A what? You’re gonna teach me magic?”
You shrug. “You probably have the ability. Seems like a waste to not develop it, but you’d need to know how to read first, you’d probably be relying on books.”
“Fucking well played.” Muffin glares at Katrina who just smiles. “Fine, teach me your stupid letters.”
The rest of the trip into the city is uneventful, passing by fields dotted with new seedlings or filled with grazing cattle and young calves. You come to the city walls, high constructs of stone brick, and the main gate where a handful of carts are already waiting. Your eyes linger on one of them that’s scorched black, pulled by a single skittish mule and an equally skittish man sporting half a straw hat.
An annoyed guard walks up to you in a battered chestplate and leathers. He makes no secret of eying the three of you up and down, chewing the inside of his mouth, before speaking. “Gate fee is a gold coin, each. And fifty silver for the carriage. And what brings you to Rango’s city?”
You flinch at the extreme sum, a third of your wealth. Katrina just sighs and speaks softly. “Just as I remember.”
> Pay up.
> Absolutely not. You’ll circle around the walls and find another gate with more reasonable guards, even if it takes you until sundown.
> Threaten to report him for corruption
> Gut him
> Write in
A reminder, you have 10 gold coins, and 12 silver coins in your funds.