>>5314797“Topakasa gives its trust to the Youhao Clan and its leader.” The representative of the criminal organizations of the South Region declares solemnly.
“W-We have no choice… L-Los Iluminados decided to fully back up the Youhao Clan as well…” The representative of the secret ring of informants has also changed their mind as the bad news is too much for him to handle.
“With that in mind, it’s official: the Youhao Clan will lead our efforts from this point onward. Long Live the 6th Pillar: Gianluigi Youhao!” The representative of Yoinkshire, the northern region, proclaims.
An ovation from all the members of the High Table climaxes the historical meeting of the underworld! Gianluigi is the most powerful man outside the law. But the head of the table raises his hands asking for the clamor to stop.
“Ladies and gentlemen. This is not the time for celebration, we have much to do to secure the future of our institution. There’s still a visage from the past who, along with his men, has made a mockery out of us for far too long. Once an indispensable piece to our operations, now is mere a pebble in our shoes, and I’m sick and tired of this great discomfort. Yes, gentlemen, [b:lit]our next step is to slay the dragon once and for all.[/b:lit]”
>>Gianluigi Youhao has declared the end of the legendary Jun Spice, his collaborators and disciples!