>>5880331>>5880336>>5880337The irony is I am currently nonstop rampaging through Neverwinter Nights a fanmade dnd module called the Aielund Saga, it is epic length starts from level 1 to >30 I am about 75% the way through it, just the most generic and cliched dnd story possible but it is quite fun, I can recommend it. Incessant automatic still spell lvl 9 Horrid Wilting spam attacks yay
It is not even really that well written it is 100% predictable, all the most stereotypical dnd stuff is in there but I am nonetheless very impressed with the monumental enterprise behind its construction and the tremendous efforts behind the person who assembled it, I think it is actually much bigger and graphically more impressive than the main Bioware game itself. This single creator person actually set up his own complete website and wrote several (self-published?) novels in his own setting, it is the most generic dnd setting lol but he spent ages doing this all for free.
You can read a huge walkthrough of the series here
https://lilura1.blogspot.com/2021/01/Aielund-Saga-Enhanced-Edition-Walkthrough-Guide-Review-Part-I-Builds-Companions-Items-Weapons-Install-Act-One-Two-Three-Four.htmlThis I believe is the creator's website, the in-game world is massive and features huge biome area tilesets from desert forest mountain ice grass plains cities and dungeons and companions. I cannot comprehend how apparently one man was able to manufacture content that appears superior to all of Bioware's actual game campaign lol
http://stephenlnowland.com.au/savant/act1.htmlThere are huge amounts of free user fanmade Neverwinter Nights modules (like two decades worth) I am going to play them all tee hee hee. Some of them such as Cave Of Songs / Prophet series and A Dance With Rogues are REALLY well written (both of these surpass almost Witcher 3 tier of writing for me) Saleron's Gambit also Swordflight which actually has some challenging combat though it tends to be thief / trap lockpicking dnd oriented etc. I mentioned before the Almraiven mod for NwN featured a type of rpg game design which I have not seen in many other computer games (extremely small claustrophobic but DENSE street levels with huge amounts of initially unnamed npcs, and changed game rules to feel as if playing as an actual dnd wizard, each spellcast requires very scarce inventory item ingredients and researched detailed references to a spellbook etc)
There is also a complete module I found myself which I was very impressed by called Valthar Keep, it is an extremely well constructed low level adventure. I mention it because this one is not cited in most of the NwN mod reviews, but it is a standout with a satisfying conclusion.