>>5581406"What's an ot-yoog?" Lilts the girl, who looks up at you with crystals in her eyes, hanging on your every word. Your left eye twitches. "An otyugh is a monster that lives all over the Realms. It eats trash, and bad food, and dead things. Big cities and small towns have them. Under the ground." You huff.
"I was hidden near the otyugh when an old woman came to throw away a dead body. So I snuck behind her, then pushed her into the hole." You snicker, darkly amused by the rare pleasant memory of your juvenile act of devilry. Although, it sounded much more exciting before the words left your mouth. Humans simply lack the means to articulate the nuances of Ilythiiri thought, you suppose.
The boy is quick to retreat further into the limited security offered by his cloak, while the girl grows ever more distressed, as evidenced by the perturbed expression that comes to dominate her visage. "Then what happened?" She asks, though her demeanor suggests that she is well aware of what transpired on that day. Nevertheless, you clarify. "It ate her," you declare, eliciting panicked whimpers from the girl.