Rolled 7, 8 = 15 (2d10)
>>5737645>TurnRolls: spotting, init
>Fire: None>Move: Up the road ending on X49 (didn't we have a tank named that once?)--
So, the plan. My guns are inadequate to the task, my unit is damaged. Reasonable people would just make a break for it.
If we know anything, Walter is not reasonable.
This is based entirely on a dead man's whim and the low shot chance of intercepting Haile/J-4's survivors after he is instantly vaporized next turn((barring some kind of miracle/smoke cucking)). The yellow stars are flares for survivors/fauna to come find me.
I intend to lure the awful crabs to crash into the hunting party after Haile. This presumes a great many things, mostly that she is turning south for the chase and not north. Or that the crabs aren't faster than I believe, or that the Twaryians take a little too long to get south.
Regardless, I would rather Walter go out with a snip in this idiot attempt for glory.
I am happy to take suggestions though for better plans. Any plan is default better.