>>6117246As the Queen Leutgard Siglinda returns from the burning of Kholankorda, word of a different event is on the wind, and it's not to do with Princess Lucilla Siglinda either. No, there is talk from the oracles, mystic emissaries of the gods, but mainly Janos. The queen makes haste for the oracle, and hears her message. Janos calls for a ritual, there are a number of reagents, but the significant one is silver. Silver is to be burnt in this ritual, turning it into a slag that will make a holy water that will weaken the curse that the Nixen bear.
>Action 1: Blessing of Janos, in exchange for silver Nixen are changed, the curse is weakened and the ordained undergo physical transformations.At every church in Ordalan, they have been gathering, drying and grinding flowers and herbs into a powder that is then mixed with oil and water to make incense. At the time of the ritual, this is burned in special incense burners, filling the land of Ordalan with a sort of floral fragrance. Then, bundles of sticky wood are burned in specially made furnaces, with fluted chimneys that create a melodic hum as it burns, prayers and chants are done in tune with it, the Nixglau mythology is reiterated to the Nix children, and what this ritual symbolizes. Then when the furnaces are all warm, comes the burning of the silver, first hour is silence, a remembrance of what the Nixen has lost, what is now missing, but then a celebration for us who are alive. After the silver is all burnt, the slag is gathered and crushed, then washed in basins, until it dissolves, making the holy water the oracles described. Each Nix is allowed a sip, but the ordained get to take a sip per week or more, while commoners only get a sip per month.
In the following months, changes become apparent, more sons are born and the sons grow stronger, able to perform limited labour, even those already born. But the ordained become strangely pale, and their steps are lighter than they should be. This is chalked up to coincidence, until the high priests of Janos start getting blueish skin and silvery horns, confirming something is going on. There are also rumours of oracles being able to float in the air, lifted by some unseen force.
>Action 2: Spark Step, those ordained by Janos learn to skip along the ground, producing sparks with each step.As the ordained undergo their physical changes, they try to find utility from it, particularly them being repulsed from the ground. Among the more obvious utility of jumping and running, some notice they are able to affect their repulsion by influencing the lightning in their bodies. A manoeuvre called Spark Step emerges among the ordained, where by discharging their lightning they can kick off from the ground with tremendous speed, then sustain this speed with subsequent discharges, skipping along the ground, producing sparks with each discharge.