Quoted By:
You sigh and turn around. The archsivir’s book is the last pending thing of your immediate things to check, mayhaps it has something valuable since she was so glued to it back when she had it?
You open the tome and… can’t read it. Most of the things written here are neigh but unintelligible to you! There’s some text written in runes similar to the ones you saw a long time ago, some in a language you can’t understand and the ones that you can just mention not very useful things like such things as “Keeping form” and “Focus”. They were very notably written by another party too. This book seems pretty useless at first glance otherwise. You lay the book back on the floor for now.
>What do you want to do now?
HP: 14/16 MP: 8/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.72/6.0 aum} : 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 2 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 31 Pence {0.020} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8} [Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2} - 1 Pink scroll {0.2} - 12 Nails {0.050}
ON-VINE: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - Magic Staff [Damage: ?] [THIRD VINE PENALTY]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
PASSIVES: Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]
STATUS: [Satiation level: A bit hungry]
[v= Vinestalker, blue cross= Crescent altar, purple cross= Curved altar, brown cross= Drum altar, white blue cross= Starred altar, white cross= Sword altar]
ON FLOOR= [yellow small square= Iron hammer, neon blue small square=Leather knapsack, green small square= Spellbook {1.5}, grey square= Tattered robes, pink red squares= Archsivir remains, purple small square= Damaged throwing dart {0.20}]
IN OTHER KNAPSACK= [Green scroll {0.2} , Hardtack {0.4}]