Quoted By:
<span class="mu-i">Lead Agent Graphite plays it cool. Notes his eyes. His stance. His features. The light scrape of red across his right knuckles, the spray of blood across his dark suit from when he jammed a fork through someone's throat.
He doesn't know you know.
Then the frenzied fan flashmob riot that Agent Sunday started by giving them all free license to start a brawl really kicks into gear and Lead Agent Graphite loses sight of the Tall, Handsome Stranger, who takes a step back and fades out of view</span>
Black Tide #8 is requesting emergency support in the parking lot!!
Black Tide #7 is requesting emergency support near the stage! It's a brawl!! Agent Sunday started a riot!
Black Tide #5 is requesting emergency support near the stage! It's a brawl!! Agent Sunday started a riot!
Black Tide #1 and #2 can't respond to the incident
in the western section, they're short-staffed!
Black Tide #1 and #2 notes the two dead patrons are wearing light ballistics vests and have holsters for side-arms, both missing. They're undercover security operators! Probably federal investigators, here about that whole smuggling-ring the Hong8 is running! Someone jammed their dining forks through their throats. Dead in seconds!
<span class="mu-s">TS Liren</span>
oh no
Agent Thorn that crate is positive.
Torch the freezer. Don't take any chance--
the vent system it's in the vent system it's in the vent system IT'S IN THE VENT SYSTEM thank the <span class="mu-s">lucky stars</span> it's on reduced in-take because of that repair call holy shit Agents, it can't have gotten pumped into the rest of the bar because the system has been offline for a week because some assassin was preparing to use it as a rapid escape get away how LUCKY can you GET??? Check the vents! Check the Ven--
oh <span class="mu-s">no</span>
that dead rat is ... twitching. It's the Purple Tie. He must have stepped on it or shot it or something when he prepped the vents for evacuation. It's been exposed to trace samples. Like the Grad Student, it's budding. They seem to really like damp, dark places.
You have to torch it, Agent Thorn. Wait, Agent Mammoth gave you the scanner and the tactical filter did--
... who has the emergency CC-Maids?????