>>5844962>>5845007>>5845008>>5845363>>5845365>>5845366>>5845375You sproing along the sewers merrily, taking note of points of interest as dusk light filters down through the sewer grates. There's the Grotto of course, a giant rat corpse sits in it at the moment, with one leg twitching as a vivid green vapor trails from it. Even your appetite retreats, for the moment anyway.
Moving away from the Grotto you spot a handful of rats fleeing down into a tunnel, too small for most creatures, but not for you. A nice rat pie does sound tasty, but you keep moving along, you can dive the Rat Tunnels at your leisure.
A delightful smell of rot fills your non-existent nostrils and you follow it until you find a sewer grate pouring out into a large Garbage Dump, forming a fetid river between mounds of old appliances, rusted out cars, and smashed tvs.
You note the location and keep exploring. Another maze of sewer later you feel cool breeze and squirm up a narrow passageway to find trees, bushes and a narrow concrete path. A park? An empty set of swings twists in the wind.
That's enough poking around for now, time to hunt for dinner.
> The Rat Tunnels> The Park> The Dump