Quoted By:
The swirling mists around the Spanway hide our approach. A distant horn cuts through the soft noise of armies moving and people shuffling, bouncing off of stone and rock.
The 248th Ashtenders, working with barge-poles, stave themselves closer to Lutatius. One of them gives a few quick cutting motions of the hand. All well, sir! The 21st are right behind us!
The rock eruptions, tossed through the earth in ages past, hides the impromptu landing site. The mist cloak it from any observers on the bridge, who would see only shadows moving. Easy to mistake for enormously large fish, or tricks of the mind. One of the pathfinders counts off on his hands and signals further down the line - direct eyes on four Wasponi, but he can *hear* the sounds of more, moving, bustling, chattering, taking it eay. Sounds like they're repairing their kit and refitting. They must have a small supply station here. Logical enough - closer to Glimini, where we can infer most of their stolen scavenge has been sent.
Lucky for us: The troops half in the middle of resupplying won't put up much of a fit.
Unlucky for us: Who would leave such a thing unguarded? There' apt to be more Wasponi here.
Valas guides his troops along with the soft footfalls of the wind on grass. Not so different from any other hunt, this, and low visibility is the prowler's friend. Every firece predator with fang and fury is outmatched if they simply never knew they were fighting. A little down the way, in a soft grassy patch where the waves have retreated, scores of hide tents. The lower Wasponi must camp here, among mud and cold.
As a horn cuts through the muffled quiet, a bleary-eyed such stumbles from his tent. Probayl an early morning piss suddenly turned into a surprise. He grabs for his weapons, sheer instinct, and manages to arm himself from the spears secured against the side of the tent. But he ahsn't even seen us yet...
>Standby for force disposition updates
>Standby for migration to new thread, for battle proper!
>Feel free to issue any lingering orders, comments and conversations in this one.
>As always, thanks for playing!