Right now hear me out I'll start you from the beginning, when white people came to new Zealand they started logging a certain area near lake Taupo and they stumbled across stone structures and other remains of civilization which the gov sure to document every single thing and show it to the press as it's found, a plan and budget are decided on they will excivate and have geologists and archeologists look over it except as fast as the excivating started it stoped and the government put out a press release saying it was nothing but a natural structure all the documents had a embargo put on them till 2063 now this is back in 1988 so only about 75 years that no one can look at the as where it say "no restrictions on bonefide archeologists and geologists" was crossed out and had "restricted till 2063" written above, thankfully someone applied to have it released and it was but there seems to be pages missing as there is documents showing stone terraces and other remains of civilization, except in the index and plans it has "formal stone structures" but no sketches like the other things listed in the index as if the forgot to scan them when doing the rest of the books, also all the site names are (indigenous people of NZ) "maori other" how blatant can you be. documents and like to people digging below, let's get that dirt off it already
Pdf of the classified document