>>5446195>>5446295>>5446310>>5446325"O' Beast of Darkness. It is clear why you are here and why you wish to remain. You feed on his bloodlust and the death he causes, on the wrath that consume him. In a way, you were responsible in giving him the strength to not give up after the eclipse, yet your source is also a poison."
The Hound merely growls in return, letting you get your words in as it prepared it's proverbial pounce.
"I ask you, malevolent spirit, what you desire to accomplish beside feed and survive, until this host dies ? Do you wish to give him glory after a gruesome battle with the death of his enemies and friends ? Do you think yourself safe from hell claws, be inside Guts or in the next great warrior after him?"
"You have misunderstood our intentions." The demonic voice inside the swordsman finally speaks into your mind. "One would think that having inhuman ancestry would teach a halfling that there can't be no light without darkness."
"What do you mean?"
"Is it not evident? A man who embraced darkness as much as he did, with no means of expelling the anger and despair, with no magic to shield him from the ranging world that towers over mankind, would never be able to struggle without losing a part of himself."
"Are you claiming to be Guts, instead of a beast that lays dormant in him?"
"Precisely. His thoughts are my thoughts. His desires are my desires. To kill, to slaughter, to chase after the falcon with little regards to your insignificant group! To ravish her lover's body, to make him be the reason that she turns her body cold, instead of yourself. Do you really think that so many years of witnessing such cruelty would not have lasting effects? That he would not resent you for marking another death sentence on top of Casca? I am merely giving power to his mind, reminding him of who he truly is."
"I still fail to understand your end goal. You could reach far greater heights to strike at that which you truly hate if you cooperated with us. I acknowledge your strength, and know that you want to feast upon the hawk more than anything else, yet your brand of chaos is liable to only see you fail, struggling in vain against foes that would play you like a fiddle." You reassure him that you would not destroy him for now, if only the beast managed to get along with you, Guts' strength would be tapped into it's fullest potential.
"Oh, but we have been getting along just fine. You know that you cannot kill me, for to completely cleanse evil would make the idea of good devoid of meaning. Were you never to meet him again, I would have swallowed him into myself with no trouble, dying a glorious battle against many apostles. Even if I never managed to fight the falcon, there is no such things as a pointless struggle, for the action needs no meaning to exist other than it's brute force of will."
"On the contrary, aligning myself with you has only made things more interesting..."