>>6171954>>6171963The Weaver continues working on his pot, storing golden coins in it while occasionally fiddling with the Mirage Web covering his body. He twitches in the direction of the Coreward,becoming aware of an evolution in the Knight's rhetorics and which god pose the highest threat. The Golden Spider nearly starts slapping the void as a warning with his front legs when the ape barrels through The Emptiness covered in his own urine, although he does nothing when the skeleton decides to move into the emptiness and make his home there, having nothing against artists.
He observes and listens almost motionlessly while grooming his fangs as the fat merchant and the Knight bicker and as other gods pitch in to help his construction of a gigantic realm...and stills when he hears the knight speak of ''The Universe having plotted against bloodthirsty forces'' and ''removing such elements''.
The Aureate Arthropod stays frozen for several moments in that unerving way spiders do when they encounter something unexpected, then he Speaks for the first time.
''A proclaimed Realm for the good of all? From one wafting the stench of Ruin and Revolution? And you speak of murdering your siblings so casually for such a grand goal as well.'' His voice,produced by stridulating his golden fangs together, sounds more like metal screeching and scratching against itself than anything else.
''Yes, I believe this one to be treacherous indeed, perhaps plotting for a grand Ruinous Revolution even, for why else would such a god ask the aid of all others in this way? A stab in the back maybe, as revolutions are often quite unexpected and treacherous. A Trick even! Not even the Divine would be immune to such, and I would know!''
''While I cannot speak for certain...creatures-''There was no need to name the obvious here''-perhaps you, siblings, should be more wary of taking part in a megaproject organised by one so callous about the murder of kin he does not agree with. I believe this whole chivalrous act to be quite the fake front! Who knows what hides inside that armor? So self-assured too, believing itself completely in the right.''
The spider, done Speaking, begins grooming again