YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BIIITCH I FUCKING MADE IT AAAAAAAAAAA!!! SO CLOSE!!!!! this is you guys fault for letting me nerd out about snaa, for which im super thankful. even if it's too much fanfiction, you get what you asked for, so no bitchin. thing is, it just felt fitting ending the question with a classic mammoth gigapost, and i wasn't gonna settle for less so i took my chances. anyway, this was Meguca Royale: Osaka for y'all folks back there in Africa, i only hope that you enjoyed your stay. and that you like gucas just a little bit more!
>>6072831aww sheeeiit, thank you ritanon! i wonder if you caught the little gift it i left you in this thread. i think it's not subtle at all, though
>>6072625i didn't!
thank you for playing! and thank you Magia Record for seven years of so much and so good!