>>6125641>War Action: Besiege the Guliseare fort as the lowlands are captured, let the battle of Guliseare and Ordalan commence.As the armies of Ordalan gather at the foot of the mountains, the ordained of Janos manifest their blessing. As the mountains are unsuited for horses, the Chariots of the Silver Storm have to dismount, their ability to rely on Spark Stepping instead means their mobility still remains king, able to skip along the mountain and dodge the swoops of the birdfolk. Thus the blessing is most fortunate indeed.
Thus the armies start to make their way into the mountains of Guliseare, marching closer to the fortress they have there. The Spears of the Ashen Dawn make a series of camps as they advance closer, until they are at the walls. The Pyre Axes of the Rosenfeuer put themselves in ambush positions to assault any sneaky birdfolk that try to ambush them in the crevices of the mountain. The hunters and their bows are very useful for punishing any flight of the birdfolk. But the Chariots of the Silver Storm are the silver bullet against the birdfolk, charging across obstacles with their Spark Step to skewer birdfolk with their lances. With this Ordalan shall secure besieging positions around the harpy fortress, setting up siege equipment and laying plans for how to deal with the stone walls before them.
Should the armies of Guliseare muster and assault the armies of Ordalan, it will be simple to have our great battle and secure victory. But should they prove craven, we will have to pry them out of their mountain hideout ourselves.
The assault plan for the fort will rely on the Spears setting fortifications for the hunters to shoot their arrows from, keeping the wall archers busy as the Pyre Axes set their ladders upon the walls and climb. It is a costly move, but this is not the biggest threat, nay, for when the wall defenders busy themselves with the assault by our conventional forces, the Chariots will use their movement magic to scale the walls elsewhere, then attack along the walls to take control of their gatehouses, to open the gates, allowing a combined force of Spears and Pyre Axes to enter their castle baileys. This tactic will continue until we take their innermost bailey, where their keep should be. Once their keep is taken it'll be a simple task to secure the rest of the stronghold.