>>5703594卌 <span class="mu-s">A</span>:
<span class="mu-i">1) Do you know /exactly/ how Petra and Enna’s magic works? Do you know Enna’s caveats?
2) Should Faction Leader Hush die, all of the Magical Girls currently under her peace spell will turn into Witches, like the one I’ve just shown you, on the spot if no one is there with a Grief Seed because peace magic generates addiction and thus abstinence made more lethal by the second, and by the time we manage to get there it will already be too late. Imagine the consequences of so many Magical Girls dying.
3) Do you know Salome’s power? You don’t. Keep it that way. Don’t ever find out.
4) Ever since the War of Broken Candles we only kill as a very last resort. It will surprise you, but a Faction Leader would not kill Hush, and I believe in my heart that it is a last resort for her as well. After all, her peace magic stops Soul Gems from accumulating grief, and there have been no casualties yet.
5) Helena; you cannot use Foresight. You will never be able to, ever again. This is the only reason for which Weird Eyes entrusted you to me, and for which you are becoming one of us now.
6) I’m… fairly sure that under the given circumstances it will be hard to convince anyone to get out of this Tower for any reason whatsoever.
7) Now with Erika under their control, should she happen to be near, her Omniscience would be the bane of any plan we could come up with. It’s an extremely dangerous power, to be honest, one of the most dangerous I’ve heard of. But we have the Violet Tower. We are safe from it here.
8) I do not think that an eight years old girl is ready to have an opinion on any of this. I’m sure plenty of other Magical Girls would disagree with me, but this is my personal opinion.
9) Carrying you to battle would do more harm than good, as we would have to protect you while fighting at the same time.
10) A jar of marbles will not stop a Faction Leader.</span>