>>6047945What is the measure of a man? What makes a mere man a KING? Well, it's not humanity, obviously! Both of these champions are artificial in their own way. And yet, as Mewtwo and Herman Cain both famously said:
<span class="mu-g">The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.</span>
And what these two motherfuckers have done is <span class="mu-g">win</span>, <span class="mu-r">win</span>, <span class="mu-b">win</span>!
But who will come out on top and take the crown of the <span class="mu-s">KING OF /QST/</span> in this final rumble? This time, it is singularly, unabashedly a <span class="mu-i">PURE POPULARITY CONTEST</span>. No events, no dice. Just getting out the vote!
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)or
>Beta (Core of Steel)Who will it be, /qst/?!